Install EverAsk on your home screen to start using the app conveniently and directly in the future. > Information

Install EverAsk on your home screen to start using the app conveniently and directly in the future.

To install, simply tap and then tap "Go to home screen".

Ouch! ⚠️ Pitfalls to avoid in doctor’s consultations

Being aware of the pitfalls in doctor-patient consultations is the first step towards avoiding them.

If the doctor is probably right but my gut instinct tells me otherwise.

What you as a patient can contribute to a good medical decision ...

The importance of following up on a consultation

Why following up on a doctor-patient consultation is decisive to understanding and retaining what was said.

How you as a patient can actively shape a doctor’s consultation

You come unsatisfied from a doctor's appointment? Everything went much too fast? Read what you should look out for in such conversations and how to keep an active role.

Good conversations do not consist of just questions and answers

The manner in which the conversation is conducted is also decisive for success.

The underestimated potential of patient competence

Patients are the only one who really know themselves! When it comes to making medical decisions, it is essential that your views and your preferences be taken into consideration.

EverAsk versus Dr. Google

Imagine: You don't feel well and google your symptom. The results show that this symptom occurs with very bad diseases. Suddenly you fear you are seriously ill!

Overcome by emotion: what to do?

Very strong negative emotions can arise during doctor-patient consultations. Read here how to cope with your emotions when involved in stressful doctors’ consultations.
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